Regulations do not limit the time between attendances. They can attend at any time between 6 am and 9 pm,[1] on any day of the week.[2]
There are no limits on the number of times bailiffs can visit.
If bailiffs cannot recover the money owed, they will eventually move on.[3][4][5][6]
[1] Regulation 13 of the Taking Control of Goods Regulations 2013
[2] Regulation 12 of the Taking Control of Goods Regulations 2013
[3] If you don't pay High Court Enforcement agents, what happens next?
[4] If you don't pay traffic contravention bailiffs, what happens next?
[5] If you don't pay Court Fines bailiffs, what happens next?
[6] If you don't pay council tax bailiffs, what happens next?
Protect your car from bailiffs | Recover Your car from bailiffs | Attending a bailiffs vehicle pound | Reclaim bailiffs fees | Getting a chargeback | Attending Court | Arrested? | Bailiff Law | Trace a bailiff | Your bailiff FAQs | National Bailiff Advice | Beat the Bailiffs | BailiffTALK | About Stop the Bailiffs