You can report offences online through your local police force website.
Before making your report, gather the evidence supporting the bailiff has committed the offence.
Make a Statement of Truth and give exhibits which the police can use as a starting point to making an investigation.
Your complaint should include relevant criminal law the bailiff or enforcement agent breached.
Your complaint must comply with the Crown Prosecution Service guidelines.[1]
If the police say bailiff crime is a civil matter, then you can bring a private prosecution by making a complaint before a justice of the peace that the bailiff has, or is suspected of having, committed an offence, the justice may issue a summons or an arrest warrant.[2]
Bailiff crime includes any of the following:
Damage to property or vehicles.[3]
Appropriating money property or vehicle.[4]
Dishonest representation to convert goods or money.[6]
Charging money for work not done.[7][8]
Falsely alleging the debtor assaulted the bailiff.[example below]
Doctoring bodyworn camera footage.[example below]
If the offence takes place in the presence of police, or police detain you to assist a bailiff to commit an offence, the police officer may be guilty of an offence.[9]
When information is laid before a justice of the peace that a person is suspected of having committed an offence, they may issue a summons to appear before a magistrates' court to answer the information, or a warrant to arrest that person and bring him to court.[10][11]
[1] See CPS Guidelines
[2] Section 43 of the Courts Act 2003
[3] Section 1 of the Criminal Damage Act 1971
[4] Section 3 of the Theft Act 1968
[5] Section 39 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988
[6] Section 4 of the Fraud Act 2006
[7] Section 2 of the Fraud Act 2006
[8] Parliament: Baroness Scotland in the House of Lords, 21 April 2006
[9] Section 26 of the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015
[10] Section 1 of the Magistrates Courts Act 1980
[11] Part 7 Criminal Procedure Rules
Protect your car from bailiffs | Recover Your car from bailiffs | Attending a bailiffs vehicle pound | Reclaim bailiffs fees | Getting a chargeback | Attending Court | Arrested? | Bailiff Law | Trace a bailiff | Your bailiff FAQs | National Bailiff Advice | Beat the Bailiffs | BailiffTALK | About Stop the Bailiffs