There is no legislation saying a person can take photographs of anyone's house.
Since they can obtain the same information online using Google Maps Street View, bailiffs are not really required to snap pictures of people's homes.
If a bailiff is taking photographs of a house or car provocatively, then that may be an offence.[1]
You can report the offence to the police,[2] or you can apply to the court for an injunction restraining them from continuing this course of action.[3]
In any case, you can ask for the photographs to be destroyed by giving a statutory notice,[4] and serving that notice on the enforcement agent or at his office.[5][6]
[1] Section 2a of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997
[2] Section 2 of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997
[3] Section 2 of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997
[4] Section 47 of the Data Protection Act 2018
[5] Section 7 of the Interpretation Act 1978
[6] Civil Procedure Rule 6:14
Protect your car from bailiffs | Recover Your car from bailiffs | Attending a bailiffs vehicle pound | Reclaim bailiffs fees | Getting a chargeback | Attending Court | Arrested? | Bailiff Law | Trace a bailiff | Your bailiff FAQs | National Bailiff Advice | Beat the Bailiffs | BailiffTALK | About Stop the Bailiffs